GENERIC NAME Esomeprazole TYPE Gastroenterology/General Medicine Brand Name Espo – 40 PACK SIZE 14’s Section Capsules (Gen)
GENERIC NAME Domperidone TYPE Gastroenterology Brand Name Motiwin Suspension PACK SIZE 120ml Section Syrup
GENERIC NAME Domeperidone TYPE gastroenterology Brand Name Motiwin Tablet 10mg PACK SIZE 30’s Section Tablet
GENERIC NAME Pantoprazole TYPE Gastroenterology Brand Name Panthrox PACK SIZE 14’s Section Tablet
GENERIC NAME Dioctahedral semectite Brand Name Diocta PACK SIZE 30’s Section Sachet
- Famotidine 40mg/5ml
- General Medicine/Pediatrics/Gastroenterology/Gynae and OBS
- KID-H2 | 60 ML | Dry Powder Suspension
- Sodium Alginate + Potassium Bicarbonate
- Gastroenterology/General Medicine
- Gesecon Advance | 120ML | Liquid Syrup
- Dioctahedral semectite ms ….3.00g
- General Medicine/Gastroenterology
- Diocta | 30's | Sachet
- Esomeprazole pellets 10mg Suspension
- General Medicine/Gastroenterology/Pediatrics
- Espo kid | 10's | Sachet
- Ispegol 3.5gm + Mebaverin 135mg
- General Medicine/Gastroenterology/Gynae and OBS
- Mebahus | 10’s | Sachet
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